Kitchens of the Great Midwest J Ryan Stradal 9781784291938 Books

Kitchens of the Great Midwest J Ryan Stradal 9781784291938 Books
First of all, I must say that the Amazon requirement that you label this book for their algorithm is offensive. That said, this book defies all the labels I was required to put on it.Describe the mood: There are hopeful moments. Moments when you feel that two characters will connect and become more fully human. But it is also dark when something happens, as in real life, where the connection doesn't occur, and there is some suspense in wondering what will become of this person after such an unfair life.
Thoughtful, oh most definately. The characters are so human and therefore complex, that the thoughts just raced through my mind. Thoughts like, "But why couldn't she do better, try harder, be nicer?" "He doesn't have to to that self destructive thing." "Wow, what a creep."
Nostalgia seems to be the one that has caused most of the bad reviews. Some people were expecting a trip back in time to when things appeared to be much better. Well, if that is what you want, this book is not for you. Just because there is a lot of talking about cooking and it includes recipes, does not mean it is all fudge brownies. But there is a State Fair!
This is a book for serious, literary readers. If you love being drawn into the world of complex characters working on some really hard issues, this is your book. And the writing is wonderful. Not so much the turn of a new phrase, but the restraint practiced by the author in creating the characters and scenes. Not a word wasted, and no padding. Thank you, Mr Stradal.

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Kitchens of the Great Midwest J Ryan Stradal 9781784291938 Books Reviews
This was a very interesting and "quirky" read. It took me a little while to catch on the way the main character becomes a part of each chapter. I liked the characters and found myself laughing out loud at some of the episodes. I would recommend this book to any of my friends, especially those who enjoy cooking.
This linked collection of stories was an absolute joy to read. J Ryan Stradal hasn't just created a little universe for this book, he's created a family of characters, which at times can be a much more difficult task. What's the difference? While making a universe within a book, it's important to have events, locations, and changes of power linked within the in order to create the 'illusion' to the reader. But what the author did here was create a universe of people, a 'family' of people related by blood and not, with an extremely deft hand. What's important is that this is not a book bogged down by exposition, but something you tear through, learning a little more through subtle allusions and callbacks. It makes sense that his background is in screenwriting, because he's incorporated the excellent mechanic of informing the reader of the exposition without SAYING it. Instead, a reader will have full knowledge of an intricate web of connections without feeling like they had to read through a Tolkien-esque lineage of characters. It may seem like an obvious thing to incorporate, but it's an important aspect I've seen ignored again and again in novels. Such a thing is essential when creating a screenplay, in which you only have 30-45 minutes to tell what you need to.
The mechanics are at the heart of the stories, but the soul is what really brings this book together. Stradal perfectly captures the complicated personalities of midwestern folk the blue-collar restaurant workers, the personally oblivious obsessives, the no-nonsense Lutheran housewives. But he doesn't necessarily satirize them or try to paint characterizes. He presents them with a relatable simplicity, highlighting that these people don't just fit in the box we would like them to, and he doesn't blame them for that. He presents them, warts and all, walking us through their logic and hypocrisies, their mistakes and triumphs, their pride and their sadness. The result is a book full of characters that may be very different from your own life experience, but feel intimately connected with as people. Like any good writer, he has found a shortcut to the reader's empathy and simply illuminated the path.
In addition to these things, the story is heartwarming, but not unrealistic. Their is a lot of the good old-fashioned midwestern humbleness we'd come to expect from the stereotypes we've been lead to believe. But there is a lot of blood, strife, and sadness along the way, which is just as important to highlight. The thing that he nailed in this book was that that midwestern, god-fearing kindness like to project isn't a result of an easy, saccharine life. It's a by-product of a life filled with loss and bitter weather, where people learn to appreciate life, offering what they can because they know exactly how bad it can get.
KITCHENS OF THE GREAT MIDWEST by J. Ryan Stradal revolves around Eva Louise Thorvald, the only child from the brief marriage of a chef and a sommelier. The reader meets Eva as an infant, follows up with her as a preteen, catches a glimpse of her during her teen years, and then finishes the reader's relationship with her as Eva settles into her 20s. Stradal tells Eva's story in a manner reminiscent of a short story collection, and with each chapter she is viewed largely through the eyes of people whose lives she touches as she navigates the world. As one would expect from a character with a "once-in-a-generation palate," Eva's interactions with others are largely food-focused, and the author happily includes a few recipes for those inclined to try out the food that sounds so delicious on the page.
KITCHENS is a beautifully written bit of fiction that manages to make the reader pause and think about the meaning of family, the importance of community and friends, and the role food plays in our lives. It somehow does all of that without being overbearing and stuffy. For a time I wanted the entire book to be completely from Eva's perspective, but I think something would have been lost if the author had gone that route. Twenty-something-Eva is a mysterious and elusive character, and the author's method added to that. As I finished KITCHENS, I was left wanting more of Eva and her food--much like the characters in the book.
First of all, I must say that the requirement that you label this book for their algorithm is offensive. That said, this book defies all the labels I was required to put on it.
Describe the mood There are hopeful moments. Moments when you feel that two characters will connect and become more fully human. But it is also dark when something happens, as in real life, where the connection doesn't occur, and there is some suspense in wondering what will become of this person after such an unfair life.
Thoughtful, oh most definately. The characters are so human and therefore complex, that the thoughts just raced through my mind. Thoughts like, "But why couldn't she do better, try harder, be nicer?" "He doesn't have to to that self destructive thing." "Wow, what a creep."
Nostalgia seems to be the one that has caused most of the bad reviews. Some people were expecting a trip back in time to when things appeared to be much better. Well, if that is what you want, this book is not for you. Just because there is a lot of talking about cooking and it includes recipes, does not mean it is all fudge brownies. But there is a State Fair!
This is a book for serious, literary readers. If you love being drawn into the world of complex characters working on some really hard issues, this is your book. And the writing is wonderful. Not so much the turn of a new phrase, but the restraint practiced by the author in creating the characters and scenes. Not a word wasted, and no padding. Thank you, Mr Stradal.

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