Mason Rule Purgatory Masters Book 3 eBook EM Gayle

Mason Rule Purgatory Masters Book 3 eBook EM Gayle
IMPORTANT: THE PARTIAL DOWNLOAD IS AMAZON'S ERROR - not the author's error. I am one of Ms. Gayle's readers who received the partial download. It was a surprise, but I contacted Amazon customer service and they were more than happy to help.Yes, I gave the book 5 stars before finishing it because it's that good. (I'm about 20 percent of the way through it.) I'll update this as soon as I've finished reading the book, but I don't anticipate the rating will change - not if the first 20 percent is any indication.

Tags : Mason's Rule (Purgatory Masters Book 3) eBook: E.M. Gayle: Kindle Store,ebook,E.M. Gayle,Mason's Rule (Purgatory Masters Book 3),Gypsy Ink Books,Fiction Contemporary Women,Fiction Romance New Adult
Mason Rule Purgatory Masters Book 3 eBook EM Gayle Reviews
Spank me, pinch me, and you know what else you can do to me. Rebecca is convinced that one of the men from Purgatory is responsible for her younger sister’s death. But venturing into the club does not get her any information. So she decides to become a participant. And who else to show her the ropes than the head honcho. Mason has been in charge of the lives of his sister and brothers for years now. He has been responsible for holding everyone together after a tragedy that they are all keeping a secret. But when he bumps into Rebecca, literally and his body responds to her, he decides to strike a deal. Be his for thirty days and she can get the interview with him she wants. Neither one know what they were bargaining for. Is Mason as reserved outside of that suit? Will Rebecca get the answers about her sister and most importantly her sexual inadequacies? Let Eliza take you on an eye opening adventure into the ability of a submissive to let go like never before and a Master to enjoy every inch of it.
❝I will get inside you in every way. Our bodies will merge, your emotional barriers will be breached and we will likely grow quite fond of each other for a while.❞
❝But it will be temporary. That is all I can offer you and that must be completely clear.❞
I am a big fan of Ms. Gayle's Purgatory Masters series, but Mason's story fell short for me. The premise of the book was good. A 30 day BDSM contract turns into more, and you definitely saw that one coming. I didn't feel the intense chemistry that I am so used to feeling with Eliza Gayle's characters.
It just seemed like their love was rushed, their ending was rushed, and I got to the end and I thought to myself, what just happened? No fight, no angst, I just didn't get into it like I wanted to so badly. Even with the shortfall, I still liked Mason's Rule, and I will definitely look forward to more trips to Purgatory, especially the infamous sister's love story. I was more intrigued by the sister's story than the happily ever after between the main characters.
IMPORTANT THE PARTIAL DOWNLOAD IS AMAZON'S ERROR - not the author's error. I contacted customer service and they were more than happy to help.
I was totally blown away by this book. It was intense and exciting at the same time. I was hooked from the first word. I definitely recommend this book.
Thoroughly enjoyed this book. I do not usually leave reviews. However, this book and author do not deserve 1 star ratings for technical issues beyond the authors immediate control. With that said. I highly recommend it. Loved the continuation of the story. Questions were answered but a lot of new ones arose as well. Love the two characters. Wish there had been an Epilogue like the first two books to see who gets the next book. Hope it's Nina and/or Gabe. Thank you for a great continuation and can't wait for the next book.
I really enjoy the Purgatory Master's series but I must confess that Mason's Rule was not my favorite in the trio of books released thus far. Mason and Rebecca connected well sexually; however, the emotional connection was not as apparent. Sure, Rebecca quickly developed feelings for Mason but he was aloof and standoffish, and both of them kept secrets from one another. Is not trust one of the primary tenets of a BDSM relationship. Mason demanded that Rebecca give him everything, although she did not, but he only let her see small glimpses of the man he really was. That just didn't work for me. As their physical bond grew and Rebecca's emotional one did too, I never felt anything other than desire coming from Mason. He wanted her and he knew he didn't want anyone else to have her. Well, that doesn't say "Love" to me, it just says "Selfish control." But, hey...he's a Dom so some of that is to be expected -- the chest beating, "Girl...mine!" attitude. So as I struggled through a finding a fleeting deeper connection between the characters, the story itself left me with some reservations at the end. I understand that each book is a puzzle piece that will lead up to a grand crescendo of sorts in whatever the final book will be. However, I felt that Mason's Rule was scant on detail. We uncover more about Nina and the "father" because of Tucker's mother's revelation. Their carefully built secret citadel begins to crumble and Mason is desperately trying to be the glue that holds it together for a bit longer. While I appreciate the intriguing thread being woven throughout the series, I don't like that we didn't get any further along into uncovering the mystery. I would have liked to see just a bit more resolution of .... something. Each book feels as if it ends on a pause or bated breath and that is possibly the author's intention but as a reader, one tends to lose interest if they don't begin to see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. I hope the next book will be about Gabe and Nina and shed more light into the mysteries surrounding what happened the night the preacher, father, polygamist was killed.
It's sad to see so many bad reviews for a book that is so good. From what I understand, the downloading issue was with not Eliza Gayle. Personally I think those bad reviews should be deleted because they don't reflect the content of the book in general. I read the first two Masters books and was looking forward to Masons story, it did not disappoint.
As always Eliza is awesome! I just love Mason and waited for him and I was not disappointed. I took me longer to get the book because messed up but it was worth the wait. Thank you Eliza! <3
IMPORTANT THE PARTIAL DOWNLOAD IS AMAZON'S ERROR - not the author's error. I am one of Ms. Gayle's readers who received the partial download. It was a surprise, but I contacted customer service and they were more than happy to help.
Yes, I gave the book 5 stars before finishing it because it's that good. (I'm about 20 percent of the way through it.) I'll update this as soon as I've finished reading the book, but I don't anticipate the rating will change - not if the first 20 percent is any indication.

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