Dark Gold The Carpathians Dark Series Book 3 Christine Feehan 9780843958447 Books

Dark Gold The Carpathians Dark Series Book 3 Christine Feehan 9780843958447 Books
‘His teeth pierced her soft throat, and instantly everything changed for him for all eternity.’Sigh…. I struggled with my rating of this book because there were some parts that I really enjoyed and others that I didn’t care for or that were a bit boring/repetitive. The book started off strong, the danger that Alexandria found herself (and her little brother, Josh) in was exciting and really grabbed me right off the bat. It was written in great detail and I could envision it all so clearly. I really enjoyed the scene where Aidan comes across Alex and Josh and how they came under his protection but then things sort of stalled out a bit. I kept waiting for things to happen but they never did. Much of this book was Alex unwilling to accept her new life and what she’d become and fearful of Aidan. Seriously, I think we were over 60% in to the book and she was still telling him how much she hated him. But of course the bond between lifemates cannot be denied so suddenly it was like a switch was flipped and she suddenly was in love with him. This is one of my peeves with this series, at least from what I’ve read so far. It’s really not romance, it’s basically the male pushing his will on the female or just wearing her down until she doesn’t want to fight him anymore. I get it that all of this can be explained away through the lifemate concept but sometimes even a Carpathian could benefit from a little wining and dining of his female, you know?
That being said, I did find Aidan to be far more “romantic” and giving than the other Carpathian males I’ve encountered thus far. Maybe it’s because this book takes place in the USA and not in the Carpathian mountains or maybe because of the fact that he lives with humans and has for many years that he is more accustomed to human ways and is a bit more Americanized than the others. Whatever it was, I did like Aidan a lot more than the heroes of the previous two books. He was definitely a Carpathian and had all the controlling, domineering qualities that are true to their nature but he also had more compassion and respect for the situation he inadvertently threw Alexandria into. I really liked how he sought out advice from Marie and Stefan, it was nice seeing how much he valued his relationship with them. I also really liked how he got along with Josh, one sure way to my heart is to make the hero good with kids, so seeing them together was really great. It was also funny seeing some of Aidan’s pranks against Thomas Ivan and the others while he was out hunting. He seemed to have a more “fun” nature than some of the previous guys and I did enjoy this little bit of humor that was interspersed in this book.
Alexandria tried my patience at times, most of the book she acted like a defiant teenager, insistent on always doing the exact opposite of what anyone told her. I could totally understand her feelings towards what she’d become, essentially having her life thrown on its head without her knowledge or consent. But rather than trying to deal with it and learn the new way she pouted and acted out for a good 70% of the book. All this served to do was make her eventual acceptance of it seem rushed and forced rather than her actually growing and coming to deal with it. It’s too bad because Aidan was such a great hero that this book could have been a lot better with a better written heroine.
A few other gripes I had about this book was that there were storylines or characters that were introduced and had potential to create some real drama but they turned out to really be nothing and not a threat and any true threats were seemingly taken down quickly. Also, some of the dialogue was a bit off. I can understand Marie, Stefan and Aidan talking like that but Alex was a young American woman and Josh a 6yr old boy and some of the things they said did not fit that at all. Lastly, I was a bit disappointed that despite a few passing mentions and a quick appearance from Gregori there really wasn’t any connection to the previous books. Mikhail and Jacques didn’t show up and there really wasn’t any overarching storyline, aside from Gregori waiting out his lifemate, that ties the series together.
All in all this book was a mixed bag for me, there was enough that I liked to keep me going and wanting to finish it but there were some annoying or slow parts that kept me from rating this higher. I had plans to step away from this series after this book but I am more intrigued now with seeing what’s going to happen with Gregori that I might just stick it out one more book before taking a break from it.

Tags : Dark Gold (The Carpathians (Dark) Series, Book 3) [Christine Feehan] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Looking after her orphaned little brother, Alexandria Houton is rescued from an unspeakable evil in the swirling San Francisco mists by Aidan Savage,Christine Feehan,Dark Gold (The Carpathians (Dark) Series, Book 3),Dorchester Pub Co Inc,0843958448,Love stories,Occult fiction,San Francisco (Calif.),Vampires,FICTION Romance Contemporary,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Fantasy,Horror & ghost stories,Horror & supernatural fiction,Romance,Romance - Fantasy,Romance: Gothic,Romance: historical
Dark Gold The Carpathians Dark Series Book 3 Christine Feehan 9780843958447 Books Reviews
I am re reading Dark Gold for about the 5th time and decided it was time for me to do a review. I loved Aiden Savage. What a hot Carpathian. His Lifemate Alxeandria Houton, at times was a bit annoying. While on a job interview with the famous game designer Thomas Ivan she falls victim to the Vampire Paul Yohenstria. Alex had brought her young brother Joshua Houton on the interview with her and left a friendly homeless man name Henry to watch over him while she mets with Thomas Ivan. Alex immediately feels the lure of the vampire and know instinctively that her brother and Henry are in danger. When she attempts to rescue Josh away from the vampire who is luring Josh to him. Alex is attacked the vampire takes her blood. Well she let it happen thinking this would save her brother. Poor Henry has already been viciously murder by what she thinks at the time is a mad man. Paul takes Alex and Josh to his liar a cave setting right off the ocean. He believes Alex is his Lifemate that will save his soul if he converts her to a vampire. Alexandra suffers another viscous attack by the vampire taking her blood, while still in the caves She tell Josh to hide and during the day to try and find away for him to escape. Aiden is an 800 year old Carpathian vampire Hunter with golden hair tall and just too sexy for words. He finds Alexandria & Josh in the captivity of Paul. Aiden destroys the vampire, but he believes that Paul has changed Alex into a vampiress prying on young children He thinks she is hurting Josh instead of protecting him. He starts to kill her when he discovers he is feeling emotions and seeing in colors the things that he would only feel and see when he meets his lifemate.
Aiden and Alex are a good match, but at times Alex gets on my nerves blaming Aiden for turning her into a Carpathian or an immortal. She would have turned anyway becasue Paul the vampire had already started the process of conversion with two complete blood exchanges. I loved all the characters in the book. Marie and Stefan her husband are the humans whose family for generations has provided care & help for Aiden Savage and his brother Julian Savage see "Bk5 Dark Challenge". Josh an 8 year old human boy whose life has been changed becasue of what has happen to his sister, is such a beautiful little boy that brings a lot of depth to the storyline. The Romance is hot an exciting between Aiden and Alex and you begin to see that some of her foolishness is because she is so young. I grew to like her by the end of the story. I Highly Recommend Dark Gold and the entire Dark Series by Christine Feehan my all time favorite Paranormal Romance author. Check out her GhostWalker series, its not about ghosts LOL!! But genetically Engineered Military Men. It is another great Romantic and Highly Sensual Paranormal series by this author.
This author can write. However, I find this series pretty predictable in the plot. The lead man is always an Old World Alpha male and the lead woman is an independent American woman who rebels against the protective confines of the male. Christine's books are well written but way, way too sexually explicit. Each scene also goes 4-5 pages of in depth description. The explicitness, for me is enough that I'll just read one more (just to see what happens with this one specific character I've been rooting for) and then I'm dropping it.
‘His teeth pierced her soft throat, and instantly everything changed for him for all eternity.’
Sigh…. I struggled with my rating of this book because there were some parts that I really enjoyed and others that I didn’t care for or that were a bit boring/repetitive. The book started off strong, the danger that Alexandria found herself (and her little brother, Josh) in was exciting and really grabbed me right off the bat. It was written in great detail and I could envision it all so clearly. I really enjoyed the scene where Aidan comes across Alex and Josh and how they came under his protection but then things sort of stalled out a bit. I kept waiting for things to happen but they never did. Much of this book was Alex unwilling to accept her new life and what she’d become and fearful of Aidan. Seriously, I think we were over 60% in to the book and she was still telling him how much she hated him. But of course the bond between lifemates cannot be denied so suddenly it was like a switch was flipped and she suddenly was in love with him. This is one of my peeves with this series, at least from what I’ve read so far. It’s really not romance, it’s basically the male pushing his will on the female or just wearing her down until she doesn’t want to fight him anymore. I get it that all of this can be explained away through the lifemate concept but sometimes even a Carpathian could benefit from a little wining and dining of his female, you know?
That being said, I did find Aidan to be far more “romantic” and giving than the other Carpathian males I’ve encountered thus far. Maybe it’s because this book takes place in the USA and not in the Carpathian mountains or maybe because of the fact that he lives with humans and has for many years that he is more accustomed to human ways and is a bit more Americanized than the others. Whatever it was, I did like Aidan a lot more than the heroes of the previous two books. He was definitely a Carpathian and had all the controlling, domineering qualities that are true to their nature but he also had more compassion and respect for the situation he inadvertently threw Alexandria into. I really liked how he sought out advice from Marie and Stefan, it was nice seeing how much he valued his relationship with them. I also really liked how he got along with Josh, one sure way to my heart is to make the hero good with kids, so seeing them together was really great. It was also funny seeing some of Aidan’s pranks against Thomas Ivan and the others while he was out hunting. He seemed to have a more “fun” nature than some of the previous guys and I did enjoy this little bit of humor that was interspersed in this book.
Alexandria tried my patience at times, most of the book she acted like a defiant teenager, insistent on always doing the exact opposite of what anyone told her. I could totally understand her feelings towards what she’d become, essentially having her life thrown on its head without her knowledge or consent. But rather than trying to deal with it and learn the new way she pouted and acted out for a good 70% of the book. All this served to do was make her eventual acceptance of it seem rushed and forced rather than her actually growing and coming to deal with it. It’s too bad because Aidan was such a great hero that this book could have been a lot better with a better written heroine.
A few other gripes I had about this book was that there were storylines or characters that were introduced and had potential to create some real drama but they turned out to really be nothing and not a threat and any true threats were seemingly taken down quickly. Also, some of the dialogue was a bit off. I can understand Marie, Stefan and Aidan talking like that but Alex was a young American woman and Josh a 6yr old boy and some of the things they said did not fit that at all. Lastly, I was a bit disappointed that despite a few passing mentions and a quick appearance from Gregori there really wasn’t any connection to the previous books. Mikhail and Jacques didn’t show up and there really wasn’t any overarching storyline, aside from Gregori waiting out his lifemate, that ties the series together.
All in all this book was a mixed bag for me, there was enough that I liked to keep me going and wanting to finish it but there were some annoying or slow parts that kept me from rating this higher. I had plans to step away from this series after this book but I am more intrigued now with seeing what’s going to happen with Gregori that I might just stick it out one more book before taking a break from it.

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